Discovering ‘the city of 20 miles’ and its people: from Emperor Frederick II to Michelangelo and Napoleon

Strategically located along the ‘Via Francigena’ (a pilgrims road that connected northern Europe to Rome during Middle Ages), San Miniato is worth a visit: from the Duomo with its unique façade decoration, to the Seminar Square, its renaissance buildings, the ‘Via Angelica’, and the ‘Rocca’ (Tower) of FredericK II, which you might consider to climb to get an amazing view on Tuscany countryside, especially at sunset.
Martina will be happy to involve you in an historical walk through the town where  Napoleon’s family was rooted and Pope Clemens VII commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistin Chapel!


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Battistero di San Giovanni – 14/04/2019 

Pisa Tower – 14/04/2019 

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